Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Future Phone Talk

I came across a journal from 2001 today, while cleaning my garage and attic.  I wrote this poem in my journal on February 22, 2001 after talking to Landon for many hours on the phone for the first time. I had never shared this with him until today and we both laughed a little as I read this dramatic take on my instantaneous  love for him.
Father, could it be
I’ve been choosing all on my own
While you’ve been preparing him 
to be the one alone
He loves you so much 
and I’m just now learning
If to me you give this man
I would never be able to love him as you can
I don’t deserve him 
but I want to desire him - 
A man running fast and strong after your heart
nothing to keep him apart
I didn’t get enough in those short hours
Will you choose to bring us together in Your power?
I am nothing Lord, I have nothing, I can offer nothing
But strengthen my heart, prepare me to obey
Did I just talk to the man I’m going to marry someday?
As the years in our marriage go by and the responsibilities of daily life take over, it’s so easy to forget how God in His grace, goodness, and perfect timing brought us together. I love to look back and see how His sovereign plan in our lives unfolded.  I am always amazed at God being both a Sovereign God and intimate God .  In Revelation 1:8 God says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Then we read in Matthew 10:27-31 that God knows every sparrow that falls and the number of hairs on our head.  I am so thankful to know that if he loves me enough to know the very number of hairs on my head that he also loved me enough to ordain that precious first conversations with my future husband.  He is a loving God.  This silly poem was such a great reminder of how my crazy husband is one of God’s greatest gifts in my life and I’m praying that our love will grow and be protected in Him and that even during busy routines we will take the time to romance each other.