Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Alastair!!!

After our visit to Jackson, TN today and our Doppler sonography, the doctor discovered that baby Alastair’s anemia levels might be a little more elevated from last week, so the doctor has encouraged us to go ahead and celebrate a birthday.  We will be meeting baby Alastair in the morning around  10:30.  
Our journey for the last three months has been so strange since I discovered that I had Fifth’s Disease (Parvovirus B19).  This virus if it crosses the placenta ( which is rare) can cause anemia in the baby which can lead to fetal hydrops in the heart which can lead to death.  The Lord has certainly shown us that a cleft lip is really no big deal in the light of something as serious as the baby having Fifth’s Disease.  We are so thankful for God’s goodness and faithfulness in this process.  Because, I had Fifth’s so late in the pregnancy, I have been able to have an almost full term baby!!! What a blessing!!!  Baby Alastair is estimated to weigh almost nine pounds!!! 
I can’t wait to see God’s plans unfold for this little one that He knew before the foundations of the world.  Landon and I made a guess several months ago about when Alastair’s birthday would be.  I wrote on my calendar “April 18 - Baby Alastair”.  I love  that God is a faithful, loving, communicating Father. 
Our kids are so excited about in the morning!! God has used the kids to speak to me so often in this process.  In moments when I have thought about Alastair’s cleft lip, Adoniram will tell me, “My baby  (baby Alastair) is soooo cute!”  Arabella has faithfully prayed for healing, which I know God has done for baby Alastair in ways that we may never fully know or understand.  Adalaide enjoys telling me that I need to stop eating because my stomach is getting so big.    
Thanks so much for all of your phone calls, texts, and prayers - they have been such an encouragement to our family. Our waiter at lunch even prayed over us today.  He had no idea about the news we had just heard about anemia or that we were believers, yet he quickly put his hand on my stomach and prayed, “Heavenly Father, bless this baby.”  Landon says that he really knew how to get a good tip!!!  Either way, I was still amazed to think about the God of the Universe reigning over all and still having his Hand in the middle of our little life.  He has truly blessed us with great doctors, helpful family and friends, and a supportive church.   
In the morning, please pray for the doctors to have wisdom as they continue to monitor baby Alastair’s anemia (he may need a little blood transfusion - which wont be a big deal) and that he will not have any hydrops from the parvovirus.  Also, pray for peace and smooth feedings for baby Alastair as we deal with a cleft lip and maybe cleft palate.   
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”   
Psalms 91:1,2

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Big Lip Babies

January 10, 2012
Because our oldest  daughter, Arabella, was born with a small VSD (hole in her heart), during each pregnancy we go to a specialist and have very extensive ultrasounds done on our babies while in the womb.  So our trip to Jackson, Tennessee yesterday was just a normal day for us.  I was really torn about making the long trip and came very close to canceling our ultrasound appointment since our two children born after Arabella have not had any problems and Arabella has never had any problems and will never have to have surgery.  
Our ultrasound of the heart looked great and Landon and I had a lot of fun trying not to see the gender of the baby since we’ve planned on that being a surprise.  However, the ultrasound tech did share with us some concern she had with seeing a possible cleft lip, in which, my response was, “all of my children have huge lips.”  I’m not sure how a huge lip would cast  a shadow of not having part of a lip but in my mind that was the problem not really a cleft lip.  Didn’t this woman know that we have beautiful “big lip” children?  The wait for the doctor seemed to be an eternity and as we all viewed the baby again, the cleft lip was a definite.  
The doctor patiently sat with us and explained all the statistics and problems that could occur with the cleft lip.  The cleft lip could possibly be a result of a much larger problem - syndromes that we can’t yet see, the lip could cause the baby not to swallow well causing fluid to build up around the baby in the womb, the cleft lip could also be a cleft palate which could cause difficulties with initially feeding the baby - also more physical issues and more surgeries.  “What!?!?” The only word going through my head at the time of this conversation.  Does this doctor not realize that my big lip beautiful babies do not have these problems?  He couldn't really be talking about our child?     
It was an extremely sobering feeling as we walked away from that visit yesterday.    We immediately began to sift through all the questions.  What did we do wrong?  What causes this that could have been prevented? What lies ahead over the next few months? Is this only a cosmetic problem that can be fixed or are there more complications with the baby? How do we prepare for the baby? How will we tell our children? How will we take care of three children while caring for the different needs that might come up with this baby?  How will we schedule surgeries  around Landon’s summer speaking commitments planned a year ago? 
God.  The only answer to every question we have and all of the unknowns.  God. Isn’t it a beautiful thing to know Him?  We don’t have anything to figure out? He has already done that for us.  Just two nights ago, Adoniram handed me this great book to read called “God Knows My Name” by Debby Anderson.  Here are just few pages of this wonderful children’s book:
“God made everything and God knows everything! God know me. He even knows my favorite color. What’s your favorite color? Surprise! God already knew it! “ Psalm 139:1
“Before God made the world, He knew about me. Before I was born, God knew what would happen every day of my life . . . “    Ephesians 1:4  Psalm 139:15-16   
“My surprise birthday party didn’t even surprise God! Nothing surprises God! God sees me when I sit down or when I stand up”   Psalm 139:2-3
“When a deer has her baby, God knows! When a sparrow falls to the ground, or when I fall to the ground, God knows! He always know how I feel.”  Job 39:1 Matthew 10:29 Hebrews 4: 15-16
“God understands when I feel sad, glad, mad, or bad!  He cares when I feel confident or embarrassed, scared or excited!”    2 Corinthians 1:3-4   Isaiah 53:4  1 Chronicles 28:9
“God knows the names of everyone in the whole wide world! And I want everyone everywhere to know God! So day and night, I’ll make music and sing and talk about His name!”   Psalms 92:1-2  147:5
“O Lord . . . I will give glory to your name forever, for you love me so much!”  
Psalm 86:5, 12
I thanked God for Debby Anderson and her simple children’s book that brought His beautiful words before me and anointed my hurt.  So all of the questions that can’t be answered we have to put to rest in Him.  He knew before the foundations of the world about this child in our womb.  Whether the problems with our child occurred because of  genetics or environmental issues, it was no surprise to Him. I’m thankful for a good God who is sufficient in all of my surprises because of His sovereignty.
 We won’t know much until the baby is born but we do know this fourth baby won’t be the same as my “big lip” babies but when the Great Physician knits a baby together their are no mistakes.  And so we will cry,  laugh, take care of our three kids, cook meals, do laundry, pastor a church, move into a house, do homework, teach ballet, and while we wait and pray continually for full health in all other areas of the babies life, “we will chose to make music and sing and talk about His name and give Him glory because He loves us so much!”